Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The South African Journal of Education (SAJE) publishes original research articles
reporting on research that fulfils the criteria of a generally accepted research paradigm;
review articles, intended for the professional scientist and which critically evaluate
the research done in a specific field in education; book reviews, i.e. concise evaluations
of books that have recently appeared; and letters in which criticism is given
of articles that appeared in this Journal.

SAJE only accepts empirical research articles focusing on education on school level
as well as the training of undergraduate/postgraduate teachers for possible review.

Indicate the relevance of the study for education research where the education system
is characterised by transformation, and/or an emerging economy/development state,
and/or scarce resources. Research articles of localised content, i.e. of interest
only to specific areas or specialists and which would not appeal to the broader
readership of the Journal, should preferably not be submitted for consideration
by the Editorial Committee.

Ethical considerations: A brief narrative account/description of ethical issues/aspects
should be included in articles that report on empirical findings.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed

Call for Papers

Checked Open Submissions Unchecked Indexed

Peer Review Process

All articles will be submitted to referees (national and/or international).
The consulting editors/referees will have documented expertise in the area
the article addresses. When reviews are received, an editorial decision will
be reached to either not accept the article, accept the article without revision,
accept the article with revision not requiring reconsideration by referee,
accept the article with revision requiring reconsideration by referee or
accept as short report.

The following aspects are evaluated: importance of article/relevance and appeal
to national/international scholars; originality and independent research; presentation
and readability; statement of problem(s)/aim(s)/objective(s); theoretical basis/
theoretical framework/literature review/clarification of concepts; appropriateness of
research plan and design, data collection and procedure, data analysis, data
presentation/discussion, conclusion/recommendations; to what extent is the line of
argumentation in the article clear, cohesive and logical; contribution to theory; contribution
to practice.


Publication Frequency

The journal has a quarterly frequency. Occasionally supplements are added.


Open Access Policy

The South African Journal of Education is an Open Access journal which means
that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately after publication.
Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author
and the journal are properly credited.

The following issues are available on this site:
26(1), 26(2), 26(3) and 26(4) of 2006
27(1), 27(2), 27(3) and 27(4) of 2007
28(1), 28(2), 28(3) and 28(4) of 2008
29(1), 29(2), 29(3) and 29(4) of 2009
30(1), 30(2), 30(3) and 30(4) of 2010
31(1), 31(2), 31(3) and 31(4) of 2011
32(1), 32(2), 32(3) and 32(4) of 2012
33(1), 33(2), 33(3) and 33(4) of 2013
34(1), 34(2), 34(3) and 34(4) of 2014
35(1), 35(2), 35(3) and 35(4) of 2015
36(1), 36(2), 36(3) and 36(4) of 2016
37(1), 37(2), 37(3) and 37(4) of 2017
38(1), 38(2), 38(3), 38(Suppl 1), 38(4) and 38(Suppl 2) of 2018
39(1), 39(2), 39(3), 39(Suppl 1), 39(4) and 39(Suppl 2) of 2019
40(1), 40(2), 40(Suppl 1), 40(3), 40(4) and 40(Suppl 2) of 2020
41(1), 41(2), 41(3), 41(Suppl 1), 41(4) and 41(Suppl 2) of 2021
42(1), 42(2), 42(3), 42(4) and 42(Suppl 1) of 2022
43(1), 43(2), 43(3), 43(4), 43(Suppl 1) and 43(Suppl 2) of 2023 as well as
44(1) and 44(2) of 2024.

Previous issues are available at:

  • AJOL


  • IBSS (International Biography of Social Sciences)

  • and Ebsco Hosting (Academic Search Premier)


Digital Archiving and Preservation Policy

The South African Journal of Education is making use of the Portico system (http://www.portico.org/digital-preservation) to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. In order to view SAJE in the Portico Keeper's Registry - visit this link :


Self-archiving policy

Authors are allowed to archive the final published version of their articles in personal/institutional repositories after publication.


Preprint Policy

The South African Journal of Education will not accept manuscripts that have been posted online as preprints.



An erratum refers to a correction of errors made to a published article. It may include errors concerning results which may lead to misunderstanding. An erratum is subject to editorial approval and is usually published in the following issue.

All articles published in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, unless otherwise stated.

SA Journal of Education is hosted at the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Education