Entrepreneurship education and training at the Further Education and Training (FET) level in South Africa
Eslyn Isaacs, Kobus Kobus Visser, Christian Friedrich, Pradeep Brijlal
W e assessed the levels of entrepreneurship education and train in g at the Further Education and Training (FET) level in a South African context. W e are of the opinion that entrepreneurship education and training (of necessity) must fulfill a primary role in preparing our youth for their future. Evidence from elsewhere, in particular industrialised countries, indicates that entrepreneurship education and training at school level play im portant roles in the contribution to economic growth. Experts in the field of en trepreneurship believe that the contribution of small to m edium -sized enterprises (SM Es) to the growth of our country can be much higher if entrepreneurship education is im plem ented at school levels. Entrepreneurship is now one of the outcomes of Grades R–12. However, our research clearly showed that various problem s in schools hinder th e effective implementation of entrepreneurship education, some of which are poorly trained educators and lack of adequate resources. Better entrepreneurship education could m ake a significant contribution to job creation and ultim ately to poverty alleviation.
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