Knowledge and cognitive process dimensions of Technology teachers’ lesson objectives
David Mathumbu, Willem Rauscher, Max Braun
A clearly stated lesson objective is considered an essential component of a well-planned lesson. Many teachers of
Technology, a relatively new subject in South African schools, teach Technology with rather limited training both in content
and methodological approaches. This study sought to investigate and classify lesson objectives framed or implied by teachers
in their lesson plans according to knowledge and cognitive process dimensions. The two-dimensional Taxonomy Table
introduced by Krathwohl was adapted for Technology and formed the framework for this study. It was found that most of
the directly stated objectives are directed to the lower level of the cognitive process dimension and address mainly factual
knowledge, while no activities or lesson components address meta-cognitive knowledge. Some lesson objectives inferred
from planned assessment activities placed higher demands on learners’ cognitive domain. A recommendation flowing from
the study is that, during pre-service training and in-service teacher support processes, the importance of clear lesson ob-
jectives should be emphasised and that assessments planned for such lessons should closely match the lesson objectives.
Further research is also needed on the reasons why low cognitive demands are made in the teaching of Technology.
doi: 10.15700/201409161053
Technology, a relatively new subject in South African schools, teach Technology with rather limited training both in content
and methodological approaches. This study sought to investigate and classify lesson objectives framed or implied by teachers
in their lesson plans according to knowledge and cognitive process dimensions. The two-dimensional Taxonomy Table
introduced by Krathwohl was adapted for Technology and formed the framework for this study. It was found that most of
the directly stated objectives are directed to the lower level of the cognitive process dimension and address mainly factual
knowledge, while no activities or lesson components address meta-cognitive knowledge. Some lesson objectives inferred
from planned assessment activities placed higher demands on learners’ cognitive domain. A recommendation flowing from
the study is that, during pre-service training and in-service teacher support processes, the importance of clear lesson ob-
jectives should be emphasised and that assessments planned for such lessons should closely match the lesson objectives.
Further research is also needed on the reasons why low cognitive demands are made in the teaching of Technology.
doi: 10.15700/201409161053
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